LANES Reports 26% Participant Network Growth, Expands Leadership Team

The Los Angeles area-exclusive QHIO announces Kevin Dawson as its Chief Technology and Innovation Officer 

LOS ANGELES, May 23, 2024 — Los Angeles Network of Enhanced Services (LANES), the first and only regional qualified health information organization (QHIO) for the greater Los Angeles area, today announced significant network participant growth and the addition of Kevin Dawson as LANES’ Chief Technology and Innovation Officer. Dawson has more than three decades of experience at the forefront of healthcare technology and innovation, bringing exceptional value to LANES’ participants as the QHIO continues to expand its participant network.  

“Kevin is an extraordinary talent in the industry, and we’re proud to add him and his expertise to the LANES leadership team,” said LANES CEO Ali Modaressi. “As data sharing continues to accelerate through California’s Data Exchange Framework, TEFCA, and community-driven initiatives, we’re similarly growing our LANES team of experts to ensure the success of all of our participants and partners as they navigate the regulatory landscape.” 

Dawson is a Certified Healthcare Chief Information Officer and brings a unique blend of medical, informatics, and management to LANES. He possesses a holistic understanding of the industry’s complexities and has a proven track record of success, holding leadership roles at renowned institutions such as City of Hope, Extrico Health, Howard University Hospital, and LA BioMed at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center prior to joining LANES.  

“LANES is at the forefront of advancing secure, purposeful data exchange in California,” said Dawson. “I’m proud to join such an innovative team and apply my industry expertise, and I look forward to supporting the organization’s continued growth and leadership in data sharing and healthcare technology.”  

Since the beginning of the year, LANES has added as many new participants as it did in all of 2023, growing the network by 26% to date. Agreements with hospitals and health systems have accelerated, most recently with the addition of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. LANES also expanded its network of mental and behavioral health organizations, including the addition of Pacific Clinics, one of the state’s largest behavioral health groups. In addition, it helped health plans accelerate data sharing initiatives, including helping L.A. Care integrate FHIR standards into its systems, enabling real-time data exchange and improved workflows.  


About LANES  

Los Angeles Network for Enhanced Services (LANES) is a non-profit qualified health information organization (QHIO). It enables healthcare and social service providers to seamlessly exchange clinical and behavioral health information safely and securely, when and where it is needed for patient care, care coordination and care transitions. Connect with LANES on LinkedIn or visit the LANES website for more information.  

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